Symbicort - Laughter:

Laughter can be Symbicort’s strategic assessment tool. We can generate hilarious content followed by a quality
of laughter survey. This increases recognition of the disease and provides an opportunity for treatment (Symbiotic). Picture a comedian telling a hilarious joke. The audience booms with laughter. The comedian pauses, “You know what’s not funny,” he says. “Not being able to laugh at these jokes.”

Symbicort knows that COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) is no laughing matter, but laughter can be a helpful friend to people with COPD: as a tool to identify symptoms of COPD, a means to help you breathe better, and as a way to bring families closer.


Research suggests nearly half of all people with COPD
do not know they have the condition. We need a dramatic campaign to move these people to seek treatment.

The Undiagnosed 12 Million

Facebook Quality of Laughter Survey
Uses Facebook's carousel format to show entertaining content that includes an assessment survey.

Laugh Check-Up App
A tool that listens to your laughs over time, detecting wheezing or coughs, and can help determine whether you should talk to your doctor.

Instagram - Ear For COPD

Three short re-playable clips of three different people laughing. One of them has COPD can you hear it? It can help loved ones recognize the symptoms of COPD in the household.


Laughter brings more oxygen into your lungs, removes residual air, and helps you breathe deeper and cleaner. Laughter relaxes the muscles, boosts the immune system, releases feel-good endorphins, and can improve cardiovascular health.


Symbicort lets the laughs come easier and allows people with COPD to lead healthier lives. 

We look to involve Michael Strahan, a COPD advocate celebrity whose uncle suffered from a form of COPD known as emphysema.

Reasons to Laugh FACEBOOK Carousel
Laughter-themed infographics creatively spread through four slides, highlighting the medical benefits of laughter and their relation to living with COPD.

TWITTER – Mike On the Mic
COPD patients tweet their jokes @SymbicortMikeOnTheMic
and the jokes are read by Michael Strahan. Before getting to the top jokes, Michael discusses the health benefits of laughter.


Symbicort helps you breathe better so you can laugh better. A good laugh is what we look forward to when we visit our favorite relatives and it’s what gets us through tough times.


When someone with COPD can bring humor into the lives of those around them, they are not only lifting their own spirits, but they are lifting those around them.


How else can Symbicort prepare its users for better laughing?

Laugh Box: IRL
Promotional deliveries include magic tricks, joke cards, wolf plushies, sock puppets (all the tools you need to make your grandkids laugh). Also includes info brochures on better breathing so the kids don’t drive you back
to bed.


This is paired with additional digital content (more tricks, jokes, craft ideas).

Long-Winded Stories Blog
A blog series of humorous COPD stories from patients
and their families that push past the cozy limits of social media.
Email us your stories Volumes of Long-Winded Stories are published each year—a collection of not-so-short short stories.


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